Episode 8: KWAI ME A RIVER


Amanxing Racer Bella passed away on October 28th, 2005. Bella and her teammate Douglas ran in the first two Races, finishing first and second, respectively. Our current and past team members, as well as Phil Kiwi and Koko, are deeply saddened over this loss. (View a photo gallery* of reactions to the news about Bella.) *new photos added at start of Episode 9

The remainder of The Amanxing Race 3: Globetrotters is dedicated to the memory of Bella.

Bella 1992-2005


Tataouine, Tunisia. This area, famous for its abandoned Berber settlements known as Ksour, including the picturesque Ksar Ouled Sultane, Chenini and Douiret, and legendary as a model for Luke Skywalker’s home planet in George Lucas' Star Wars movies, was the seventh Pet Stop in a Race around the world.

We’re halfway through the Race now, and seven teams are left to battle it out across the rest of the world. Koko, do you have any comments?

“Fine animal gorilla. Koko love sand. Koko love All Ball cat, black cat, big cows, little horses. Koko love black white birds. Koko love monkeys. Monkeys monkeys monkeys!”
Bella and Douglas, who were the first to arrive on – I mean, in, Tataouine, are the first to leave.
They receive their clue:

Take one of two private Millennium Falcon – I mean, plane flights to Nairobi, Kenya, and take a marked Land Rover to the Mara Simba Lodge in the Masai Mara National Reserve.

They head off to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters – I mean, to the local airport, where they, the corgis, the Russians and the donkeys get on the first plane. The second plane leaves a half hour later.
The first plane lands in Nairobi, and
Monty and Holly get in the first Land Rover out to the Masai Mara, one of the most popular game reserves in Kenya and the filming location for “Out of Africa.”

None of the racers realize that it’s a six hour drive from Nairobi, and the eager Corgis keep looking out the window. Bella and Douglas, and Stravinsky and Zhivago, all sleep on the way over. Ibrahim stays awake and is rewarded with views of rhinos, cheetahs, wildebeest, and even a pride of lions.
The second Nairobi plane has arrived and while the bulls and penguins (who are not feeling well due to the heat) get going right away, the lemurs pause to do some goofing around in the parking lot. They’re having so much fun on the race, they don’t realize they’ve finished second to last in every single leg so far!
Oh no, what’s this? The Monty and Holly Land Rover has a flat tire! The driver stops to change a tire, allowing the cats and the donkeys to get ahead. But wait –
Bella and Douglas’ driver has to wait to stop a herd of zebras from charging.

He takes away their credit cards, and they’re back on track, but in fourth place. The lemurs have finally started toward the Mara Simba, but they’re very far behind the bulls and the penguins.
Stravinsky and Zhivago are the first to arrive at the Mara Simba and they receive their next clue, a Road Block.

A Road Block is a task that only one team member may perform.

In this Road Block, one team member will go on a hot air balloon safari over the Masai Mara. That team member will have to look for a marked herd of elephants, and look for the marked elephant. When they find it, the balloon operator will give them their next clue.

Zhivago is soon aloft, followed by Omara and Holly.

But Bella has accidentally walked over the deflated balloon with her sharp claws out and she has to wait -and nap- until her balloon gets patched. But never fear, the skies are soon full of Amanxing Racers in balloons.

Sharp-eyed Holly is the first to spot the marked herd of elephants:

Holly and Monty get their clue: Take a marked Land Rover to the nearby airport and fly to the Khwai River Lodge in Botswana. Once there, they will have to cross over the bridge on the River Khwai to receive their next clue.

While they are landing, Fermin takes off in his balloon, and is being very careful not to let his horns get caught in the ropes. Larry and Burgess follow as the cats land, but Omara ends the up last of the first group to land.
The seven teams, only separated by a half-hour, arrive at the airport and all end up on the same flight to Botswana.

Stravinsky and Zhivago are the first to arrive at the River Khwai in their marked Land Rovers, and they think they see some familiar faces in the river, but those are some local hippos, not Bela and Victoria.

To the accompaniment of a familiar march played by the Botswana Defence Force Band, they cross the bridge and receive their clue, which reads:

“You’re gonna play Sun City! Take your marked Land Rover to the Lost City's Palace Gardens, in Sun City, South Africa-your Pet Stop for the night.”
The Land Rovers take off yet again, and Stravinsky and Zhivago are the first to arrive at Sun City. They’re met by former  South African President Nelson Mandela, with a Zebra.

“Welcome to South Africa! Stravinsky and Zhivago, you are Team Number One, and you’ve won a trip back to South Africa which you can enjoy after the Race.”

The bulls are second, the donkeys third, and Bella and Douglas are fourth. Mandela and Manx Bella pose for a picture.

Finally, having stayed behind to dance along with the Botswana band, Joey and Larry Lemur roll into Sun City.

“Joey and Larry, I’m sorry to tell you, you’re the last team to arrive...

...however, this is a Non-Elimination Round and you’re still in the Amanxing Race 3.” More dancing ensues. 

Inspired by The Amazing Race on CBS
In memory of Bella

In the next episode of The Amanxing Race 3: Globe Trotters: After the cats face their most difficult challenge yet, the Racers see they're really only very small and then have to "steppe" up to the plate.

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